Bharathraj Iyengar
8 min readAug 8, 2019



Would you like to live to a ripe old age with no health concerns or bothers?

Would you like to own the vitality and energy levels of a thirty-five-year-old until you die? (I rule out unfavorable past karmic considerations.)

And would you like to get these done with bare minimum efforts, expending the least time while at it?

Read on if you’ve said yes to the above.

We all love the fact that technology has automated the major chunk of our lives, and getting stuff done takes but a click of a button; everything has a remote! Well, almost everything. However, things weren’t as easy a few decades back as they are now; I speak of my time as a kid — err, I mean as an Indian kid living in India. Things were far different.

  • To start, you had to locate a landline if you needed to make a call; there were no pagers or cell-phones. Communication was slow and painful. You’d place a trunk-call (if you happened to be the proud owner of a landline in the street you lived in) and wait for the operator to connect you to whoever, to speak to someone in a nearby city — you’d get to talk to the concerned within a few hours if you got lucky!
  • Roads across the country were horrendous.
  • Public toilets were a dream — you’d catch occasional glimpses of one and certainly not unsoiled to the toilet’s entrance!
  • The Ambassador and the Fiat were the only cars back then.
  • Fast-food meant Vada-Pavs or Pav-Bhajis — I tasted my first pizza (processed food) in 96' when I was twenty-four!
  • We had no internet. Newspapers and radios were the only means to access news.
  • Railway tickets were paper-card tickets issued by Ticket Collectors.
  • A black-and-white T.V in the house meant you were rich—Sunday evenings would invariably witness the living room willy-nilly accommodating a couple dozen smiling neighbors, their kids accompanying, to catch the 6-9 evening Hindi movie show, telecast once-a-week on ‘Doordarshan’, the only television channel back then!

All said, and with due credit to technology backing our every move today, life then wasn’t as complicated or as overly fast-paced as we presently experience it — it was much simpler. Yes, there was more work to do, but it paid off.

“We did not have registered cancer cases by the millions across the globe in the 70's or the 80's.”

  • The last year saw over 500,000 cancer deaths in the US alone.
  • India recorded 371,661 deaths owing to different cancers in 2018.
  • The WHO and the ICMR estimates the number of global cancer deaths to triple by the end of 2020, and deaths owing to other life-threatening maladies by quadruple the number.

Why are these many lethal health conditions plaguing humankind today? Why weren’t these life-threatening syndromes present a hundred years back? There should have been more then, right? Our great-grandparents had no technology backing them. They neither had vaccines or immunization boosters in their childhood nor medical/health facilities or advanced forms of treatments like we have today. Then, why?

Here are the key reasons:

  • Pollution (Thank you, technology).
  • Chemical additives in practically everything we eat (Again, thank you, technology).
  • Stress.
  • Unhealthy lifestyles & habits.
  • Genetic/Hereditary conditions.

Follow the listed to circumvent the above and gift yourself a healthy, disease-free life until your last breath, and to not let any critical malady come close to you — ever.

#1 Do not let your body move into an acidic environment. Nail it down by sticking to the below.

  • Add 10 ML of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) to 250 ML of water and drink the mix upon waking, on an empty stomach — ACV is hands-down the best ingredient under the sun to keep acidity at bay. Diabetic patients need to opt for ACV with cinnamon + fenugreek and avoid mixes of ACV with wild-honey.

Note: ACV doses must be increased in increments to let the body get used to the new ingredient. Start with 2.5 ML ACV + 150 ML water for the first 4 days. Then, step it up by 2.5 ML every 4th day until you get to 10 ML ACV a day + 250 ML water.]

  • After drinking the ACV mix, engage in a half-hour walk or any cardiovascular activity you choose to pursue, to get your metabolism going (you’ll burn unwanted/excess fat throughout the day if you have any). Take brisk strides. Do not jog or run if you aren’t used to routine distance walking. Go easy on the knees and joints.

#2 Divide your meals into smaller portions. Never overeat, and always eat to only 80% of your stomach’s capacity.

#3 Restrict the consumption of alcohol & meat to twice a week. Search for grass-fed meat if you must have meat (a near impossibility in India). However, note that meat is acidic.

#4 If you must smoke, opt for organic tobacco and roll your cigarettes. Do not buy pre-filled/packed cigarettes (like the ones available on the market today). Avoid them like the plague!

#5 Target drinking above 3 liters of water in a day.

#6 Divide your dinner plate in two halves and substitute one half of the food on your plate with raw food, meaning salads (veggies of your choice).

A balanced dinner-diet containing fibers derived from raw foods would ensure your glycogen levels kept relatively low in the mornings, thus arm-twist the body into using up its stored fat, if any, for energy when you went walking or took part in any cardiovascular activity after chugging down the ACV water mix on an empty stomach.

#7 Next, fruits are fine during the day (before 6 p.m.); not at nights — fructose converts to sucrose inside the body.

#8 Avoid depriving the body of sleep. Give it the rest it needs. The average human body requires 7–9 hours of sleep to function optimally.

#9 Do not stress. Take the time out to relieve stress.

Here are a few working methods you could adopt. These will channel your energies to bring about inner calm.

  • Routine meditation sessions undertaken, and with stress-busting music accompanying (you have myriad tracks you could download from the net for free).
  • Quiet walks within green zones.
  • ‘Pranayama’ techniques to calm the mind.
  • Embedded NLP tracks played at night while sleeping.
  • Listening to binaural-beats to balance the brain’s hemispheres (brings a balance in one’s life).
  • Self-affirming (positive affirmations).
  • Learning to understand, heal, and work on one’s subtle energy centers in the body.

#10 Quit holding grudges against anyone — seriously. It’ll affect you alone and in ways you don’t want to know, trust me.

Any negativity harbored within one’s subconscious psyche is bound to usher unfavorable effects unto the nurturer eventually, and it could cost you your health. Let go. Let go. Let go.

#11 Desist from giving other living beings pain — it’ll bounce back and affect your health — karmic rebounds/asks.

#12 Stop criticizing or backbiting another — again, seriously. Do not do it even for fun. What goes around comes around.

#13 Forgo the belief that eating clean is all you need. You couldn’t be more wrong!

  • Vegetables and fruits sold in most cities are a week to ten days old. The process of oxidation; not heartening news; starts the second the farmer plucks the fruit or the vegetable from the tree or the plant.
  • Next, most meat today hang ‘contaminated’ at the butcher’s or lie ‘unhealthy’ packed and frozen — they inject the animals with steroid hormones to make them grow faster and fatten at express speed. Fish in most places is full of heavy metal.

The bottom-line? The aggregate consumes dead food, or food minus the mandatory nutritive factors the body requires to function in full swing.

By the time a human reaches their middle-age, they find a noticeable dip in their hormonal levels, coupled with vitamin/mineral deficiencies that usher health woes of all kinds; most comprising the dormant variety, to only explode upon the unsuspecting carrier-human after years!

Unfortunate ones, or would it be more appropriate if I said the ones their karma did not much support, fall victim to cancer or other life-threatening conditions and suffer terribly before their untimely deaths; most with zero pain-management or palliative care in developing countries.

Let us for a second focus upon the word ‘oxidation’. What is it? It is the effect of oxygen, the breath of life, on our bodies, like its effect on everything else. Now this effect cuts both ways. Imperative for life, it is also the reason for aging, then death.

The process of oxidation gives rise to free radicals. These are unstable molecules that harm the cells in the body. And free radicals lead to cancer. Antioxidants scavenge free radicals while inhibiting oxidation. A powerful antioxidant, Vitamin C, protects the body from oxidation on a cellular level.

Get onto a sound ‘health supplementation protocol’ bandwagon and fill the body with a combination of ‘anti-oxidative’ factors that’ll enable you to function at your peak until you live. Provide the body with the ammo it needs to fight and sweep free radicals away every day.

#14 Discard a sedentary life. Work out. A gym isn’t at all necessary to maintain a healthy and toned physique. Elementary exercises using the body’s weight done twice a week would suffice for most. And always stretch before you exercise. Ensure you have a balanced diet comprising the right percentages of proteins, carbs, and healthy fats–cycle the ratios among the three once every two months.

#15 Practice moderation. I’m not saying you mustn’t drink or smoke. Do it if you must. But listen to your body, then do it. Back off if you find your liver or lungs crying out. You’ll know your body’s threshold–genetics and hereditary factors play a vital role in determining your limits.

Heed to these codes and you’ll celebrate your 100th b’day filled with vitality, and with your family, children, and great-grandchildren surrounding you; amen!



Bharathraj Iyengar

Mind Restructuring Architect-Nature-Cure New-Age Health Consultant-Energy Worker.